I Help Leaders & High-Achievers Awaken to Their Life’s Purpose

Rich Relationships

Meaningful Work

Health & Vitality

Are you questioning, “is this all there is?”

  1. Are you feeling unfulfilled, less motivated, and puzzled why, or how to change?  

  2. What about your personal relationships? Is something different, or missing?

You might be part of a small group of leaders, and other successful people, who are awakening to the reality that no additional achievement, net worth, or level of education will satisfy you. Many are also seeking a new relationship experience—one with real intimacy, open communication, and fun!

Albert Einstein taught, “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Today’s problems include stress, worry, poor sleep, substance abuse, guilt & shame in tandem with meaningless jobs & disconnected relationships. I've experienced these myself and coach solutions to measurable results.

You don’t need more information. You need inspiration. You don’t need more knowledge, you need awareness.

Awareness includes, and very importantly, transcends your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Life with Awareness® explores the true purpose of your life. It is the process self-actualizing and realizing your highest potential, but again transcends conditioned mental concepts of success limited to net worth or physical beauty. Awareness, similar to awakening, is more about removing accumulated, false belief systems and returning to your organic consciousness, than about accumulating anything new. As you proceed, living with Awareness you bring the highest version of yourself to your relationships and the organizations you lead.

The human race has never improved through systematic change, without first changing the individuals in the system. Become Aware and become a demonstration to others. Contact me to learn more.

Spiritual Practice

We do not meditate to become good meditators, we do it to improve our lives.

Discover & Create Intimate Relationships

Whether it’s your current relationship, marriage, or you are dating, the element most often missed is intimacy. It begins with a deep awareness of your self, followed by the willingness to share that with others. The result is closer connection than you’ve ever experienced.

For the Professional

Are you so overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious that it’s harming other areas of your life such as your health or family?

Or do you have a job that doesn’t inspire you? Want to make a change but you are stuck, afraid of making the wrong decision?


How you feel is a barometer for your overall wellness. We can treat our symptoms with drugs, endless physician visits, or even surgeries. However, for sustainable wellness, let’s look at your complete physiology—body, mind, and spirit.

Am I an Addict?

The word addiction is most commonly associated with substance abuse. I also use it to describe any behavior causing you negative consequences, that you want to stop, but find yourself powerless to do so: over-consumption of alcohol and drugs, dysfunctional relationships, compulsive thinking, emotionally overreacting, as well as unhealthy use social media, pornography, shopping, food/eating.

If you’re questioning if you have a problem, click below for some additional resources.

Emotional Intelligence

You are smart, successful, and possibly well-educated. Have you noticed any of the following about yourself?

  1. You crave a rich inner experience of life

  2. You only like certain things and the things you do like, you like a lot

  3. You are very sensitive to violence, hate, and injustice

  4. Socializing often exhausts you, or you need mind altering substances to get through it
