What is a Spiritual Life?

About 12 years after beginning to investigate and study spirituality I had a breakthrough. I’d spent plenty of money on workshops and programs, lots of time exploring various faiths, as well as making a trans-global trip to India where I hoped I’d become “more spiritual” through osmosis. Later, sitting at a simple picnic table not far from my home, one of my mentors said to me, “Corey, you have lots of information (framing his head with his hands to indicate ‘knowledge’), but you don’t seem to have real transformation (framing his heart with his hands).” A moment of frustration quickly turned to awareness. I knew he was right. While I could quote from lots of spiritual programs and even tell you how my early-life experiences affected my psychological and emotional development, the bottom line was that I was still uncomfortable nearly all the time—I was stressed, frustrated, and selfish. On the outside, however, I loved to lead you to believe I was “spiritual.” Next, he asked me to tell him how I would prioritize the major areas of my life including my relationships, work, health, and my spiritual life. I quickly replied “#1 is my spiritual life,” and then put the rest of them in some order after.

Then he asked, “what behavior do you do every day that confirms your spiritual life is your number one priority?”

There I was faced with the truth. I liked the subject of spirituality, closely followed by psychology and philosophy. Before I answered him, I saw what he was leading me toward. The truth, based on my behavior, was that I really liked to think that others thought I was spiritual. But after all this time, I was not living a spiritual life. In fact, it was this moment when I solidified what a spiritual life was for me. It is the same simple definition that I’ll share with you.

  1. You believe, or are willing to believe, in a power beyond yourself to help you solve your problems and direct your life

  2. You invite this power into your life, daily (read more here)

  3. You listen for, and receive guidance

Effectively, are you developing a relationship with your higher Power?

There are lots of experiences you might have in between, but it comes down to those three elements. In other articles, I’ll address a variety of topics such as the acceptance that probably comes before your willingness, a simple contemplative process to connect with and invite this Power into your life, and how to discern what you hear back as organic, divine guidance rather than your conditioned, egoic mind.

I am quite pragmatic. I coach a spiritual way of life for one reason. After trying every other way including self-reliance, partner-reliance, high-achievement, more education and more money, this is the only solution that has delivered me sustainable results. This has worked for me—and I suspect it will work for you. Please review my coaching services here and email me with any questions you have.




Motivation vs. Inspiration


God is a Mystery